by Carl Heilman
Attractions in the Lake Champlain Valley - High Peaks - New York/ Vermont
Champlain Maritime Museum 4472 Basin Harbor Rd. Vergennes, VT
05491 802-475-2022 802-475-2953 (fax) info@lcmm.org A non-profit organization
for preserving and sharing the heritage of Lake Champlain. Member of
the Vermont Museum and Gallery Alliance and Council of American Maritime
Museums. Operating with support from the Institute of Museum and Library
Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection & Museum - Located in
Chazy, N.Y. on Route 9 north of Plattsburgh. Opened in 1924, the museum
was created by Alice T. Miner, a pioneer in the colonial revivement
movement and wife of William H. Miner, railroad industrialist. You will
see 15 rooms filled with period furniture, miniature furniture, a vast
china collection, porcelain and glass, a superb collection of early
samplers and other textiles, War of 1812 muskets, Revolutionary War
cannon balls, dolls and other early Americana. Open: Feb. - Dec. 22.
Tues. - Sat., 10 - 4. (518) 846-7336. Admission charge.
Lake Champlain Bikeways Lake Champlain Bikeways Clearinghouse c/o
Lake Champlain Visitors Center 814 Bridge Road, Crown Point, NY 12928
Fax: (518) 597-4648 Lake Champlain Bikeways' mission is to promote bicycling
throughout the Lake Champlain regions of New York, Vermont and Quebec
for the purposes of increasing opportunities for bicycle recreation
and transportation, improving the quality of life, enhancing the economic
vitality, advocating for sustainable communities, encouraging healthy
lifestyles, and raising public awareness and appreciation of inherent
scenic, historic, cultural, natural and recreational resources throughout
the area.Cyclists who ride in the Champlain Valley know it has all the
right ingredients for a premier bicycle touring destination: peaceful
country roads, picturesque villages, breathtaking scenery, charming
B&B's and inns, country stores and farmstands, bicycle tour outfitters,
impressive historic sites and museums, lovely shoreline parks and campgrounds,
convenient connections to passenger rail lines and ferry crossings,
and access to numerous lakes and rivers.
Clinton County Historical Museum - 48 Court Street, downtown
Plattsburgh, N.Y. The museum interprets the area's history on Lake Champlain.
Collections feature Redford glass, Staffordshire china, portraiture,
photographs and textiles. Special exhibitions are regularly presented.
Open: Year round. Tues. - Fri., 12 - 4. Sat., 1 - 4. (518) 561-0340.
Admission charge.
1812 Homested - Located in Willsboro, the Homestead is a fascinating
working farm and museum of. the 1800's. The complex includes a farmhouse
originally built as a tavern in 1812, where you might sample cornbread
from the hearth; a woodshop where you might help the hired man make
cedar shakes or split rails; a cabin, where you might hand dip your
own candle; and a one room schoolhouse. Not to mention gardens, oxen,
sheep and livestock. Student programs, are offered throughout the school
year, with "hands on" experiences including dipping candles,
woodwork, feeding the animals, attending lessons in the schoolhouse,
baking on the hearth, spinning wool, pressing cider, boiling maple syrup,
making soap and cheese, blacksmithing, and learning Native American
lore and skills. The 1812 Homestead Nature Trail is designed for curriculum-related
ecological study. Special events include craft workshops, a spring Maple
Sugaring Festival., a fall Apple Fest, a Hearthside Thanksgiving and
a Carol Sing in December. Open: Daily from July 1 to Columbus Day, 12-4pm.-Speclal
tours & events may be arranged year-round. (518) 963-4071.
Art Museum at
Plattsburgh State - Plattsburgh State University, Plattsburgh, N.Y.
An extensive array of permanent and changing exhibits. Among its features
are the Rockwell Kent Gallery, housing the largest collection anywhere
of works by Rockwell Kent; the Nina Winkel Sculpture Court, the largest
space in the nation devoted to the sculpture of one woman; the Burke
Gallery, used for changing historical and contemporary exhibitions;
the Myers Lobby Gallery, used to display student art; the Sculpture
Park and Sculpture Terrace. Open: Year round except major holidays and
Dec. 24 - Jan. 3. Daily, 12 - 4. (518) 564-2813. Free.
House - 17 Cumberland Avenue, Plattsburgh, N.Y. An exceptional museum,
home of the Delord family for three generations (1810 - 1913). Furnished
with family belongings, including a collection of 18th and 19th century
furniture, Canton porcelain, Royal Crown Derby, Sandwich glass and monogrammed
silver. Family portraits are attributed to well known early American
artists. The Federal-style garden was laid out according to an 1812
design. Other gardens include a colorful Victorian garden, antique roses
and a garden of herbs. The barn provides space for many programs, including
summer concerts. Open: March - December. Tues. - Fri., 9 - 4; Sat.,
12 - 4. (518) 561-1035. Admission charge.
Battle of Plattsburgh
Interpretive Center - Located in City Hall, downtown Plattsburgh,
N.Y. The Center features a diorama and exhibits telling the story of
the Battle of Plattsburgh in 1814. It is an excellent place to begin
your exploration of the rich military history of Plattsburgh and the
Champlain Valley. (518) 562-3534. Free.
Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks
Betsy Lowe
PO Box 897
Tupper Lake,NY12986
Franklin County
Phone: 518-359-2533
Fax: 518-523-9841
Email: emlowe@adknature.org
Website: http://www.adknature.org
Description: The Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks will be a
new state of the art museum with live aquarium type exhibits, mulimedia
exhibits, grand hall, panoramic theater, educational classrooms, outdoor
observation tower and more in Tupper Lake, Franklin County.
Santa's Workshop
Stephanie Gates
Whiteface Memorial Hwy
North Pole,NY12946
Essex County
Phone: 518-946-2212
Fax: 518-946-2293
Email: santanp@frontiernet.net
Website: http://www.northpoleny.com
Description: Home workshop & mailing address for Santa Claus, his
helpers, storybook friends and reindeer team. A family tradition since
Spirit Of Plattsburgh
Gwendy Lauritzen
348 Flynn Ave
Phone: 518-566-7447
Fax: 802-860-2261
Email: spirit@soea.com
Website: http://SOEA.com
Description: Spirit of Plattsburgh - 500 passenger cruise ship. Daily
narrated scenic tours, lunch, brunch, dinner, murder mystery, variety
show, lobster dinner cruises. Available for private charters- weddings,
corporate outings, conventions, three decks - 2 enclosed and heated,
top open air deck. On board food & beverage. May - October.
Whiteface Mountain Ski Center
Bridget Hinman
PO Box 1980
Essex County
Phone: 518-946-2223
Fax: 518-946-7400
Website: http://www.whiteface.com
Description: Summer scenic gondola rides, mountain biking program and
ski center.
Adirondack Museum
Ann Carroll
PO Box 99
Blue Mountain Lake,NY12812
Hamilton County
Phone: 518-352-7311
Fax: 518-352-7653
Email: acarroll@adkmuseum.org
Website: http://www.adirondackmuseum.org
Description: Adirondack Museum-The Adirondacks Come Alive! at the Adirondack
Museum. "Called the best of its kind in the world," by the
New York Times. Exciting new exhibits and programs each year. Twenty
indoor/outdoor exhibit areas explore how people lived,moved, worked
and played in the Adirondacks. Museum Store and Lake View Cafe.
Adirondack Scenic Railroad
Doug Masters
PO Box 84
Essex County
Phone: 315-369-6472
Fax: 315-369-2479
Email: train@borg.com
Website: http://www.adriondackrr.com
Description: 3 Separate train rides into the Adirondacks. 1) Lake Placid
station to Saranac Lake Union Depot-roundtrips either way 2) 1 1/4 hour
trips out of Thendara (Old Forge). 3) 108 mile round trips 4) Train
robberies, murder mysteries and private cocktail events. from Utica
to Thendara (Old Forge)
Ausable Chasm Company
- Natural attraction-fabulous views, nature trail, gentle float rides
via raft. Grand Canyon of the Adirondacks.
Carman Brook Maple
& Dairy Farm - Tour our state-of-the-art family owned maple sugarhouse.
Learn how milk is produced in our new cow comfort tie-stall barn. Educational
Cold Hollow Cider
Mill - The Cider Mill features a large cider press that operates year
'round, a cider jelly making room, natural ingredient bakery, and impressive
retail store.
Essex County Fair
- 8/12, Tuesday through 8/17, Sunday, Fair for all ages, Amusements,4H
Shows, Entertainment, and Rides all for one price
Hildene - Robert
Todd Lincoln s historic home in Manchester Vermont on 412 acres with
formal gardens. Original furnishings and personal belongings of the
Lincoln family. Open for tours May through October.
Kent-Delord House
Museum - 19th century family life, furniture, portraits, Battle of Plattsburgh,
War of 1812 - 17 Cumberland Ave., Plattsburgh, NY, 12901 (518) 561-1035.
Lake Placid Marina
- One hour scenic narrated boat cruises in fully enclosed tour boats.
See many of the spectacular Adirondack camps on this 16mile trip. Mid
May – Mid October. 518-523-9704
Natural Stone Bridge
& Caves - 535 Stone Bridge Road Pottersville 518-494-2283
Spirit of Ethan
Allen 2 - cruise Ship and Banquet Facility
Stowe Area Association
- Central Reservations and visitor information center for Stowe - welcoming
visitors for over 200 years to our mountain village. Visit our website
to find out more! www.gostowe.com
The Sugarmill Farm
Maple Museum - free admission to maple museum, self guided tour to maple
sugar house and beautiful maple orchard. free samples of maple syrup.Convenient
rest area stop with restroom facilities & picnic sites.
The Vermont Wildflower
Farm - 6 Acres of wildflowers, home of America’s #1 wildflower
seed for every region. Large gift and bookshop. Open 10-5, 7 days, April
- Late October. On Rt. 7 5m. South of Shelburne Museum.(802)-985-9455
Vermont Wildflower
Farm - The east's No. 1 Wildflower Seed Center with 6 acres to stroll,
theatre show. Gifts, seed for all US. On Rt 7 five mi. s. of Shelburne.
Opn. Apr-Oct, 10-5, seven days wk. 802-951-5812