Interpretive Center
SUNY-ESF|Adirondack Interpretive
Program Calendar June 2012
Northern NY Audubon Bird Walk
Saturday, June 2, 7:00am
Join SUNY ESF graduate student Jennifer Yantachka for an early morning
bird walk. Jennifer studies songbird abundance and diversity in the
Adirondack Mountains to understand how acidification is influencing
songbird populations. Call or email for more
Interdisciplinary Scholarship in Land Use and Ethics
June 1-3
This event highlights new and in-process research from across disciplines
on topics related to balancing individual and community priorities with
respect to land use, and the associated expectations for human and ecosystem
stewardship and social and environmental ethics.
Advanced registration is required. $180/person. Learn more:
Introduction to fly fishing with Rick Kovacs
Saturday, June 9, 9:00am
Adirondack Fly Fishing Guide Rick Kovacs introduces fly fishing and
the history of the sport in the Adirondacks. Learn about proper gear,
tying knots and casting techniques! Rick will have basic gear and fly
rod outfits for sale. $25 registration fee. Call or email to register.
Mushrooms: Unique Natural Dyers--Mushroom Dyeing Demonstration
Saturday, June 16, 1:00-2:30pm
Mushroom expert, Susan Hopkins, will introduce us to various species
of wild mushrooms in a rainbow of colors! Using a combination of dried
mushrooms, handmade items, digital slides, books and handouts, she will
show the variety and share the excitement she has found in using mushrooms
for color! Interested participants will be able to try their hand at
mushroom dyeing themselves in a limited-space workshop on June 30! Call
or email to register.
Guided Nature Walk with Peter O’Shea
Saturday, June 23, 1:00pm
Favorite guest naturalist Peter O’Shea joins us for a guided nature
walk searching for blooming woodland wildflowers, nesting birds and
other signs of summer along the Rich Lake Trail.
Using Mushrooms as Natural Dyes Workshop
Saturday, June 30, 10:00am-4:00pm
Susan Hopkins presents an intimate workshop on dyeing with mushrooms.
Participants learn to identify mushrooms and the dyeing process and
even dye samples of wool to take home! Although mushroom identification
is not a simple task, there are 3 major groups of wild mushrooms that
can be used as natural dyers. Knowing where and when to look for the
best mushrooms helps narrow the field for the beginner as well as the
experienced hunter. $30.00/person. Only 8 spots available. Please register
by June 25!
Building open every day 9:00am-5:00pm
Trails open every day dawn to dusk
Please pre-register to all programs unless stated otherwise.
5922 Route 28N Newcomb, NY|518.582.2000|